How to defrost a chest freezer the easy way

 On Thursday, May 15, 2014  

It’s very crucial for you to know how to defrost a chest freezer because not like an upright freezer , a chest freezer doesn’t have an automatic defrost feature which means that you have to do it manually, bear in mind that frost build up can make your chest freezer to become less efficient so defrosting a chest freezer manually should be done regularly.

When to defrost a chest freezer?

The easy way to identify when you need to defrost it is when you find some ice from preventing the lid to be sealed properly and it’s often you also will see a quarter inch of build up ice on the outside of your chest freezer.

If you have a chest freezer not older than 10 years then you only need to defrost it once a year but if your chest freezer is older than 10 years then you’d probably need to defrost it twice a year.

The first thing you need to do to defrost your chest freezer is by emptying it completly. Remove all the foods from the inside of your chest freezer, you could move the food to a small cooler or another freezer so that it will stay frozen for couple of hours.

The second things is to uplugged or turn off the chest freezer, open the lid and begin the defrosing process. Here’s some of the things you could do to defrost a chest freezer.

Techniques to defrost a chest freezer

#1.  Boil a large kettle of water and place it in the bottom of the chest freezer and then just shut the lid, the ice will be melted away by the heat from the hot water BUT you must change the hot water several times because the ice will absord the heat quickly and causing the water to get cold quite fast.

#2. Another method is by using an electrical tool called the defroster that you put inside the chest freezer while the door is shut.  This device will increase the temperature inside the freezer and melt the ice instantly.

I hope these tips can help you how to defrost a chest freezer. Learn also about how to organize a chest freezer so you could find foods more easily and avoid yourself from being frustrated only on chest freezer reviews.
How to defrost a chest freezer the easy way 4.5 5 Ms Kris Thursday, May 15, 2014 It’s very crucial for you to know how to defrost a chest freezer because not like an upright freezer , a chest freezer doesn’t have an auto...

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