Chest vs upright freezer which one to choose?

 On Thursday, May 15, 2014  

Deciding which freezer that will suit your needs the best is very important and if you’re still confuse about choosing between a chest freezer or upright freezer then today I want to give you some insights that will help you to decide which one is the best choice.

Chest VS Upright freezer showdown

Chest freezer has been proven to be more energy efficient and you can also store more foods inside the freezer and not just that, a chest freezer is also able to maintain its cold temperature much better than an upright freezer because the lid is on the top of the freezer so when you open it, the cold will not flow out into the floor and that will also affecting its energy consumption to be more efficient.

But the bad thing about having a chest freezer is that you’d need a wide floor space and if you don’t organize the freezer properly then you can easily become very frustrated when you want to find any food inside the fridge.  Just imagine looking for foods in the abyss of frozen foods.

An upright freezer in the other hand is not as wide as the chest freezer so if you have a limited space in your room then it will be fine and an upright freezer is also can become a nice complement into your room because of its elegant design and you also will find it very easy to get any foods from the freezer because you can see much better viewing of the space inside.

But the bad thing about having an upright freezer is its higher energy consumption compares with a chest freezer because of the way the door located, whenever you open the door, the cold air will fall out into the floor and then the freezer will try to maintain the cold temperature and causing more energy consumption.
So I hope now you can decide which freezer is the best one for you, chest or upright freezer.

Please share your thoughts about chest vs upright freezer on the comment box below and you also might want to read about how to defrost your chest freezer the right way only on chest freezer reviews.
Chest vs upright freezer which one to choose? 4.5 5 Ms Kris Thursday, May 15, 2014 Deciding which freezer that will suit your needs the best is very important and if you’re still confuse about choosing between a chest freez...

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