How long do chest freezers last and how to maintain a chest freezer

 On Friday, May 16, 2014  

Though a chest freezer has a long lifetime but we also want to know just how long do chest freezers last? Also what could be causing a chest freezer to stop functioning properly and whats needed to be done to maintain your chest freezer.

How long do chest freezer last?

Someone had a 15cu chest freezer from GE that could last over 20 years until it stop functioning because of compressor failure. I think an average lifetime of a chest freezer is 20 years and if you maintain it then the chest freezer could even last for more than 30 years.

These days we are seeing energy star rated chest freezer and although it’s good to have an energy efficient freezer but some people stated all chest freezers that had energy star rated usually are using smaller compressor than the pre-energy star freezer,  a smaller compressor also means shorter life time, these energy star chest freezer can only last for about 10-15 years while the previous one could last 20-30 years.

Maintaining Your Chest Freezer

In order to have a long lasting chest freezer you also can do some preventive maintenance work such as clean the condensor coils regularly and also the chest freezer motor, you can use vacumm or compressed air, also be sure to keep the back of the chest freezer clean and if you start hearing strange noises then it’s probably the time to replace it with a new one.

So how long do chest freezers last is solely depend on what models that you are using and also what kind of preventive maintenance that you’re performing on a regular basis.

Learn how does a chest freezer work to know more about its advantages and please share your comments on chest freezer reviews on how long do chest freezer last and what kind of maintenance that you do to keep the chest freezer at its top performance.
How long do chest freezers last and how to maintain a chest freezer 4.5 5 Ms Kris Friday, May 16, 2014 Though a chest freezer has a long lifetime but we also want to know just how long do chest freezers last ? Also what could be causing a ches...

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